Release Notes for v3.4.0

Changes introduced in 3.4.2 were mostly to get networking code working in mingw environment. The naming collition of ASSA::ERROR logging mask was resolved by renaming it to ASSA::ASSAERR.

Logging Mask name change
3.4.1 3.4.2

It was discovered by trial-and-error that you cannot set Socket into blocking mode. Instead, a Socket can either have O_NONBLOCK flag set or cleared. Therefore, Socket::blocking option was removed. Use Socket::turnOptionOn (nonblocking) and Socket::turnOptionOff (nonblocking) respectively to manipulate the flag.

Changes introduced in 3.4.2 were mostly to get networking code working in mingw environment. The naming collition of ASSA::ERROR logging mask was resolved by renaming it to ASSA::ASSAERR.

Logging Mask name change
3.4.1 3.4.2

It was discovered by trial-and-error that you cannot set Socket into blocking mode. Instead, a Socket can either have O_NONBLOCK flag set or cleared. Therefore, Socket::blocking option was removed. Use Socket::turnOptionOn (nonblocking) and Socket::turnOptionOff (nonblocking) respectively to manipulate the flag.

The interface changes intruduced in version 3.4.0 break backward compatability with the previous versions of the library. This is mostly due to the *feature* of cygwin development tools that fail to differentiate between Assert.h in your build directory and system-wide /usr/include/assert.h file.

The file assa/Assert.h, therefore, has been renamed to assa/Assure.h.

Defines changed
3.3.x 3.4.x
Assert_exit(exp_) Assure_exit(exp_)
Assert_return(exp_) Assure_return(exp_)
Assert_return_void(exp_) Assure_return_void(exp_)
Assert_return_value(exp_, value_) Assure_return_value(exp_, value_)

Also, a whole lot of function and data member names has been *normalized* in two classes, GenServer and Singleton in order to improve code readability and consistency. The complete list of changes is listed in the tables below.

Function names changed in Singleton class
3.3.x 3.4.x
getInstance() get_instance()

Function names changed in GenServer class
3.3.x 3.4.x
getReactor() get_reactor()
initServer() init_service()
processServer() process_events()
fatalSignalHook() fatal_signal_hook()
stopServer() service_is_active()
setStopServerFlag() stop_service()
displayHelp() display_help()
getProcName() get_proc_name()
setProcName() set_proc_name()
getCmdLineName() get_cmdline_name()
getStdConfigName() get_default_config_file()
getAltConfigName() get_config_file()
getPortName() get_port()
setPortName() set_port()
becomeDaemon() become_daemon()
initInternals() init_internals()

In case of stopServer() member function, the event processing loop typical for ver. 3.3.x or prior should be modified in the following fashion:

// ver. 3.3.x and prior

    while (!stopServer()) {
        m_reactor.waitForEvents ();

// ver. 3.4.x

    while (service_is_active ()) {
        m_reactor.waitForEvents ();

To accommodate a certain way of initializing applications written with libassa, the way BOOL command-line arguments are parsed and interpreted was changed. In the previous versions, a whole group of options was used as flags. For example, --daemon option was used to tell libassa to deamonize the process. This has been changed to --daemon=BOOL format where BOOL is either "yes" or "no" (any other combinations are invalid and would result in the value being interpreted as "no").

libassa still supports flag options (i.e. --help), but they should be rather an exception then a commonplace practice.

This change is driven by the desire to give an application writer the fullest level of initialization control. The order of initialization is as follows:

  1. The command-line arguments are assigned values in the constructor of the class derived from GenServer class.
  2. The arguments are later can be overwritten by the INI configuration file using a new function, CmdLineOpts::parse_config_file(IniFile&) introduced by this release.
  3. At last, the arguments can be changed by the values given on a command-line.

NOTE: This change has sudden sude-effect. If you forget to adjust the way you pass your old *flag* command-line argument to your program, the value assigned to it would be "no" by default! So, say what you mean with "yes"!

Data member names changed in GenServer class
3.3.x 3.4.x
m_debug_mask m_mask
m_alt_config_name m_config_file
m_std_config_name m_default_config_file
bool m_with_log_server string m_with_log_server
bool m_log_stdout_flag string m_log_stdout
bool m_daemon_flag string m_daemon
bool m_ommit_pidflock_flag string m_ommit_pidfile

If you use automake tools, modify your (or accordingly:

dnl -----------------------------
dnl Pick up ASSA library flags.
dnl -----------------------------

PKG_CHECK_MODULES(ASSA, assa-3.4 >= 3.4.0)


Vladislav Grinchenko
Last modified: Tue Jul 25 12:13:53 EDT 2006